This manifesto claims that the study of sound is important to society, and should be continuously implemented regardless of- / and in combination with- any world conditions. Sound acquires transgressive properties and communicates ideas, notions, feelings and whatever can or cannot be told in verbal communication. Thus, it appears crucial that we comprehend and interact with its properties and dynamics, and use this knowledge and interaction to the society’s benefit.

The Mediterranean historical foundations are the cradle of Western Civilisation and the whole region forms a boiling point consisting of a hotchpotch of diverse cultures who speak different languages, have different spiritual practices and political perspectives. Rich in folklore elements and musical heritage, the area demonstrates geographical landscape variations and similarities. More importantly, trade and war, peace and negotiation are elements that are still present in this region, rich in a social and cultural context. 

The contemporary era challenges the identity of the people of the region, also in relation to the sounds they are exposed to. Today that people travel, migrate and raise borders, sound waves circulate and reach their ears without making any discriminations. 

Now, more than ever, in the post-image era, the importance and use of sound needs to be elevated and combined with other contexts, concepts and notions. 

It is the artists’ and researchers’ duty to further expand knowledge and creative use of sound to promote not only art and culture, but also well-being, environmental solutions, policy making, and last but not least, social change.

I hereby agree with the MediSouP Manifesto, and by becoming a member of the community, I declare that I endorse the above protocol and I am going to promote the realization in my own context to the full of my capabilities.